01722 410664

Contested Wills & Trusts Solicitors

Following bereavement, emotions may run high and regrettably tensions can arise between the deceased’s family and friends.

While the deceased is usually entitled to leave their estate to whom they wish, this can be challenged if the will is invalid or proper provision has not been left for dependents. We are able to assist you with a broad range of disputes in this area of the law.

How to contest a will

It is important to obtain advice early on how to contest a will.  The right to challenge a will or intestacy can be lost if there is any unreasonable delay. Prompt action, such as lodging a caveat at the Probate Court, can often prevent the distribution of the deceased's assets pending the resolution of any dispute. 

Whether you are an executor of an estate, a beneficiary under a will or a dependent who has been passed over, we can assist you in bringing and defending probate claims and seeking alternative methods to resolve any dispute. 

We also advise on:

  • claims against executors/administrators
  • requests for information by beneficiaries
  • Breach of Trust claims

Further Information

Contested Wills and Provision for Dependents: View Online  Download PDF

Talk to Us

If you have a question about your Wills & Probate matter contact us and we will help.